Thursday, January 9, 2014

Slow Updates

I haven't updated anything in almost a year! When life slows down and I get used to managing school and work life with my birding life, I'll update more! I need to get out there and see some winter birds this season, though.

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Eastern Washington Birds

Went to Eastern Washington this weekend! Saw some amazing birds I couldn't find on the west coast, also some cute land mammals. I think the colorful birds were really the most spectacular. Other ones I couldn't photograph were also Turkey Vultures and red Tailed Hawks. Birds are great.

Lazuli Bunting

Black Headed Grosbeak

Northern Rough Legged Swallow


Western Bluebird

Sage Thrasher

Random adorable Yellow Pine Chipmunk! First I've ever seen :)

Wednesday, May 15, 2013


Spring is the season for babies! I saw at least 30-35 goslings today and about 15 ducklings. How adorable. I love baby animals and ducklings and goslings are just little puffballs!

Friday, May 10, 2013

Catching Birds

I went mist-netting this week! It was amazing. Holding birds and learning about them, their feathers/bills/behavior and how to take data is a great experience. Anyone else gone mist-netting? What did you catch? More to come!

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Olympic National Park

Went on a field trip to the Olympic National Park area of Washington State this past weekend as a TA for an Environmental Studies class. It was awesome. Spent one day at an old growth forest identifying trees, shrubs, herbs, and mushrooms/fungi. Spent the next day at a beach looking at tidepool/shore critters. I have never seen so much biodiversity in one little area. I will definitely upload pictures. I saw a pacific giant octopus for the first time ever outside an aquarium. So awesome. And I touched a newt. Field courses are the best.